Update: Maklumat sahih menyatakan kedatangan Wonder Girls mungkin di’jadualkan pada bulan September atau Oktober ini. Abaikan tarikh awal yang kami tulis. Maklumat lanjut di’bawah.
Kumpulan yang meletup di’pasaran antarabangsa dengan single Nobody, Wonder Girls bakal mengadakan konsert sulung mereka di bumi bertuah Malaysia.
Konsert kumpulan wanita terhangat dari Korea Selatan ini di’bawakan oleh Sony Ericsson & butiran lanjut masih belum dapat di’sahkan.
Seperti biasa, sebarang meklumat lanjut (tiket, lokasi, tarikh sebenar etc) berkaitan kedatangan Wonder Girls akan kami update’kan ke’sini.
Sementara menunggu mereka menjejakkan kami ke Malaysia, apa kata kita layan dahulu persembahan epik ‘Nobody’ mereka. Enjoice!
Berikut adalah petikan sebuah rencana berita yang baru sahaja di’keluarkan berkaitan kunjungan Wonder Girls ke Malaysia. Seperti biasa, kami copy-pasta!
KL News) With their hit single “Nobody”, taking storm all over the world, Wonder Girls are expected to hit Malaysia with a showcase in September.
Rumors were spreading that the Wonder Girls will drop by Malaysia after their showcase on the 18th this month, in Singapore for a mobile brand. However, these rumors were denied by officials.
According to the organizers, Wonder Girls’ schedule are fully packed this June, furthermore the girls will be touring in the US from the period of July to September.
Hence, the possibility of Wonder Girls coming to Malaysia have to wait till their US tour are over. Expected dates are to be in September or October.
Representatives from Sony Ericsson (Wonder Girls’ Latest Endorsement) Malaysia had been conducting a poll to get all fans to vote for Wonder Girls to visit Malaysia on their facebook page.
Currently, the staffs are processing the votes, once the numbers hit 5000, the chances of Wonder Girls having a showcase in Malaysia would be higher.
Furthermore, if this planned trip to Malaysia is successful, Wonder Girls will not only be having a press conference but also performing their hit single “Nobody” to the fans. In total of more than 20 staffs will be following the girls along this trip to Malaysia.
As for the showcase venue, ticket details & how many fans could enter the showcase venue, representatives expressed that all these are not decided yet, they will have to wait till the organizers do the further planning with Korea’s management.